Update zu unsrer Situation

Hey ihr alle,

Es tut uns leid, dass wir solange nichts von uns hören haben lassen. Wie ihr euch wahrscheinlich vorstellen könnt, waren di letzten Wochen eher sehr turbulent.

Nach unserem Aufenthalt in Serres wurden noch einige Orte von uns bespielt. Wir versuchen dies, in näxter Zeit, anhand von Beiträgen nachzuholen. Es folgen Berichte aus Sindos, Diawata, Samos und Vaioghori.

Aber vorerst möchten wir euch nur kurz über unseren Status updaten.

Wir mussten unsrer Projekt in Vaioghori, aufgrund der Coronnabestimmmungen Griechenlands, gezwungenermaßen abrupt abbrechen. Das Zelt wurde aufgebaut. Leider wurde es aber nur einmal für Kino und Workshops benutzt, bevor wir schweren Herzens aber auch einsichtig bezüglich der speziellen Situation, unsere Zelte abgebrochen haben………

Der Grossteil unserer Gruppe hat gestern, nach einer fast 2- wöchigen Reise und einem Zwangsaufenthalt in Rumänien, die österreich-ungarische Grenze passiert und ist am Heimweg.

Der Grund für unseren Zwangsaufenthalt in Rumänien war Ungarn. Die Grenzen für nicht-ungarische Staatsbürger oder Menschen mit keinerlei Aufenthaltsgenehmigung oder Meldeadresse war ausnahmslos geschlossen. Das deutsche Konsulat in Timisoara hat nach tagenlangem Hin und Her und unzähligen Telefonaten unsrerseits, durchgesetzt, dass wir Ungarn, ohne die Autobahn zu verlassen, passieren durften.

Ein kleiner Teil der Gruppe hängt nachwievor in Griechenland fest.

Wir versuchen euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten…….


Once again, we have got a long term host for almost a week.
We are now in Serres, hosted by Lifting Hands International.
Unlike the places we have been before, we have a huge run on our cinema and the workshops. Yesterday there was family day and we estimated about 200-300 kids at the peak, who all wanted to join us. Of course it was not an easy challenge and so we had to rework our concept for today and it worked a little better.
Fortunately we now have the ChaosKitchen-Gang with us, who gives workshops in cooking which is always a blast and also well attended.



Weekend in Lagadikia

After our office-week we joined the IHA (Intereuropean Human Aid Association) Community Center in Lagadikia for the weekend, where we offered screenprinting  and welding as workshops and for the first time the bookbinding workshop.
As on sunday was women-day at the community center, we could successfully mark up an all-female organisation of the workshops and the cinema, while the male part of our group cooked at our base camp in Thessaloniki.

Thanks IHA for the great host!

Stopover Thessaloniki

After our stay in Katsikas we had a one week office break in Thessaloniki.
We finally met the rest of our crew who made our group complete.
Collaborating with the great ChaosKitchen crew from Switzerland we are now a
big team of around 20 people for cinema and workshop action.

That week off we used for networking, organisation and office work.

The last two days were again filled with action.
Wednesday was the most grey and rainy day of that week until now, but luckily we were able to use the rooms of Habibi.works for undertaking the silkscreen and welding workshop again. Just like the film screenings the workshops were well attended these last two days and even if all the work is stressful at some times, we get more and more experienced by doing this.
Having this place as starting point was a great help for us to grow more routine and clearness for our teamwork and the organisation of the project.
After one week of action we will now close the Rolling Cinema here at Katsikas, looking forward to the next place to build it up again.

Huge thanks to Habibi.Works for the great host!

Workshop Run

Saturday and Sunday also were our first times in giving workshops.
As saturday is always family-day at Habibi.works, we already had many participants of all ages for our screenprinting workshop.

On Sunday we got visited by some groups of unacompanied minors coming from different places around Ioannina. Together we screenprinted, welded, painted and sawed almost the whole day.

Arrival in Greece

After some little incidents and breakdowns (almost) all of us made it to Greece and to our very first stop, where we held premiere with an real audience on Saturday.
We’ve got a place near to Habibi.Works, which is an great maker space and platform for refugees and Greek locals close to Katsikas Refugee Camp.

Building up the tent.